According to Axios & Gallup Surveys, nearly half of Miami residents never or rarely attend religious services (congregate or fellowship in church). The indifference and self-sufficient living is alarming, not to exclude the lack of zeal/hunger for the things of the Kingdom of God. Our economy, love, morals, and safety continue to decline along with the gathering of God’s people in sanctuaries (churches) across the city.
Resurrection Sunday (Easter) is almost here, but are Christians in Miami more interested in the candy-filled eggs and rabbits than going to church? Miami has a lot of distractions and options, I get it, but dismissing church should never be one of them. God’s Word strongly encourages us in Hebrews 10:25 – “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” We need more Holy Spirit filled churches that will impact many with the experience of God’s presence and the instilling of “the fear of the Lord” so they won’t just come and leave, but so that they will come and remain (planted).
The excuses are many (too many hypocrites, too much money talk (from prosperity Pastors), it’s my only day of rest, the beach is looking too good, and one of my favorites “I’ve seen how Christian’s act/behave and I want no part of that.” Solid excuses, but our measuring stick is JESUS who saved us from sin, not people. McDonald’s can mess your order up a dozen times and you keep going back, but if one thing goes wrong at Church…you quit attending. I hear others say, "I don't have to go to church to be a Christian," and they are right. Salvation is through faith alone in Christ alone, but it’s like saying you don't have to go home to be married. If you stay away long enough, your relationship will be affected. A church dropout is a disobedient Christian, and a scared, materialistic, and deceived City (Miami) needs a fearless Kingdom of God church.
The religious composition of adults in the Miami metro area varies, and so does the consistency in attendance. Furthermore, two decades ago (September 11th tragedy), an average of 42% of U.S. adults attended church services every week or nearly every week. A decade ago, the figure fell to 38%, and it is currently at 30%. God’s Word warns us that “many” will depart from the faith (live indifferent and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (Self-Sufficient). Miami needs a church that operates in Spirit and in truth! Some have too much entertainment and not enough positive impact (influence) causing the seed of the Word to fall on the wayside (not taking root). Because of the love for money (prosperity preaching) rooted in pride, ego, and entitlement, churches in Miami and across America have lost the influence they once had. However, God’s Word has not changed. God wants us to congregate, fellowship, and gather as we pray for our leaders and welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit to manifest Himself, reviving our souls.
The Ecclesia isn’t people who do church at home or watch it online. It’s those who have been faithful, set apart and entrusted with the Kingdom of God! We must stop letting the “culture” dictate what’s acceptable and how the church functions. Church reproduces our faith, glorify God, encourages us with our unbelief/doubts, and builds us with unity as we fellowship in one accord (like minded). When the church says NOTHING, wickedness increases! I personally believe that in a few years the REAL CHURCH of God might have to go underground/undercover to preach the truth. I believe strongly that it’s to your advantage to attend church NOW while it's easy!
In conclusion, the biggest threat to the church today are fans who call themselves Christians but are not actually interested in following Christ. They want to be close enough to JESUS to get all the benefits, but not so close that it requires anything from them. Miami needs a church and not just any church. A Holy Spirit filled church rooted in God’s Word; and prepared for the dark/woke End Times to come. A church that helps you spiritually mature (not just occupy a seat or keep you comfortable because it’s closer to home). If you don’t have a “home church” we would love to invite you to ours (RiseUp Outreach / 12601 Sunset Drive – Miami, FL 33183).
Statistics say that about 12% of South Floridians attend services 1–3 times a year, 5% attend 4–11 times per year, and 19% attend 12 or more times (20% did not report). This is pathetic, and it portrays a bad example (testimony) to the world. Another poll showed Miami’s residents attending regularly at 5-7%. This is a problem, and the hope is Revival (Holy Spirit manifestation/outpouring) and commitment as His Word says to the House of God. Don't let anything or anybody be the cause of why you leave CHURCH; they are not the reason why you go to church or should go to church in the first place. With all its deficiencies, the church is still God’s appointed means to bring change to Miami.