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ABOUT Pastor Hery Alonso

Heriberto “Hery” Alonso is an ordained minister, author, evangelist, inspirational speaker, and life-coach (health-mind-relationships). He is a graduate of Alpha & Omega Bible Institute and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Florida International University. Hery says his parents were very instrumental in bringing him into the ways of the Lord.

When he was nine years old, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and was baptized seven years later. During his 20’s, Hery went through a 12-year period of backsliding and spiritual disconnect. He says it was this separation from God that caused him a lot of unnecessary turmoil and lack of peace. After repenting, he re-dedicated his life to Christ and returned to the ways of the Lord at the age of 34. However, he admits that he still wasn’t totally surrendered which caused him to continue to experience much frustration and failures until years later when he finally decided to be completely ALL IN.

Hands Up


What We Believe


The entire Bible is the inspired Word of God written by men who were moved by the Holy Spirit. The Word of God reveals God’s perfect will for mankind and is the final authority on which we base our faith, conduct and doctrine.

Our Christian Community

RiseUp Outreach Church is called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the beliefs of the Christian faith worldwide. We desire the fullness of His Spirit in everyone’s life! Because of our dedication, compassion and our Christian responsibility to “love one another”, we are committed to the mission of opening a Community Outreach Facility Center for:

  • Weekly Bible Studies   &   Sunday Church Services

  • Marriage   &   Premarital Counseling

  • Parent   &   Teen Guidance

  • Same-Sex Attraction Counseling

  • Teen Pregnancy Guidance

  • Addiction Recovery

  • Deliverance & Soul Cleansing

  • Missions Outreach

  • Health   &   Fitness Awareness

We believe our lives find meaning and fulfilling purpose when we become part of something “bigger than ourselves”. Right now, our ministry is in its humble beginnings and in the midst of a campaign to raise much needed financial support for our radio program. We strongly believe that this will open many doors that will facilitate the development of our Community Outreach Facility Center.

Our Future Outreach Facility

In 2004, Hery began conducting and teaching Bible studies from the living room of his home. Today, his teachings have elevated to what is now RiseUp Outreach Center, a church in Miami, Florida. Services are held on Thursday evenings and also are broadcasted live to a national and international audience with hundreds of viewers. He’s also a voice on Christian radio LifeFM (90.9FM) Monday-Friday. He teaches his listeners, viewers, and readers to focus on two particular scriptures: 2Thessalonians 3:13 – “Don’t ever get tired of doing what is right” and 1Peter 5:8 – “Be well-balanced, be vigilant and cautious at all times.”

His first book, titled ‘Blessed, Balanced & Complete,’ is based on his own life experiences as well as Bible teachings and is available in Spanish and English. His second book, titled ‘…I’m ALL In!,’ is based on experiences, revelations, and applied knowledge (wisdom) that has helped him and others live a totally surrendered life to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As a minister, he speaks at various churches and institutions on topics such as Kingdom Principles; Health and Fitness; Relationships; Motivation for Success; Healing the Soul from Past Experiences; and Prioritization and Balance of Life. Hery says that ever since God called him into full-time ministry, he has wholeheartedly embraced his purpose with joy and utmost passion. He currently resides in Miami with his wife, Sandra, and their three children.

It is our intention to spread God’s word throughout the world, in a team effort with select groups that share our vision. We are dedicated individuals who understand the need for faith in our lives. As our Christian community strengthens worldwide, so do the opportunities for a better world. It is our hope that regardless of religious beliefs or denominations, we can come together in a joint effort to enhance the human race with spiritual wisdom and empowerment with The Holy Spirit’s help. How high is your faith IQ? Think of a time when you needed conviction and through faith you surpassed that difficult moment. You need to know with certainty, that if you believe in God’s promise, all is possible. With discipline, love and fervent prayers, we will see a huge change and you can be a difference maker with us.

Pastor Heriberto “Hery” Alonso is the founder of Alonso Ministries, Inc – DBA RiseUp Outreach Church based in Miami, Florida. He is the author of the books ‘Blessed, Balanced & Complete’ (available also in Spanish) and ‘I’m ALL In!’ and with passion, he encourages, challenges, and guides people as an inspirational speaker to “Rise Higher” with their body, soul, spirit & relationships.

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