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U N I T Y!

People that bring division, discord, and strife...delay the vision, but people who bring UNITY bring a powerful form of TOGETHERNESS that can CHANGE the World. Ministries are to be ONE in Christ and with that ONENESS sometimes comes differences. Differences are NOT handled by "finger pointing or gossip or rebellion" like the Pharisees that divide, but by COMPASSION, LOVE & PRAYER that unites. Little with peace is BETTER than abundance with strife.

If we are operating in UNITY and Christ-like character...we are then to love thy neighbor as ourselves; not bring distance or criticism to the environment. Division grieves the heart of a Pastor who is the one who feeds, protects, and unites his sheep. Division causes them to waste unnecessary energy that he can put somewhere else where it's most needed. How long are we going to say we are Christians, but continue to live in the FLESH (feelings)? We must understand that where there is unity there is ALWAYS VICTORY & God is well-pleased. ‪


1Corinthians 1:10 - I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.


In conclusion, UNITY is not compromised. The early church was in UNITY, but today’s generation calls it a CULT. UNITY is based more on LOVE than agreement. UNITY and living full inspires others. UNITY and love brings ONENESS which brings a dangerous power. Anywhere the enemy can detect a difference…he will create a division. UNITY is a weapon of our warfare. Embrace it! Stop tearing up relationships, removing people from social media, rebelling, and bringing division to your family and the family of God...just because there's a disagreement. You can DISAGREE & still be UNITED! #RiseHigher #PastorHery



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