The first point of wisdom is to DISCERN what is false (almost right) and the second is to know which is true (absolutely right). Discernment is not very popular these days, but our society surely needs it. Desperation compromises discernment, which means we need to BE PATIENT! Discernment is God's call to intercession, never to faultfinding. God NEVER gives us discernment so that we may criticize, but so that we may intercede.
I wish I could say I ALWAYS know the way to go, but I have to admit that sometimes I don’t. Yet I do know the hand of God is always upon me. When the way before me is DARK…I can turn to His Word which is a lamp upon my feet and consult with the Holy Spirit my main counselor. When you have spiritual discernment, you don’t live paranoidly. We live in a culture overloaded with information, but short on insight. This is why discernment is so crucial because it helps us look beneath the surface to see REALITY.
Worldly thinking will overpower spiritual discernment if we spend a lot of time on the TV and too little time reading the Bible. Spiritual discernment and wisdom come when we ask for it and spend time in His Word. To discern spirits, we must dwell with Him who is HOLY, and He will give the revelation and unveil the mask of Satanic power on all lines. The Holy Spirit will prompt us in the right direction as we learn to hear His voice and respond in obedience. He will allow us “to distinguish” truth from lies. He will allow us to be discerning with the thoughts and intentions of our heart (Hebrews 4:12).
King Solomon was known for his power of discernment, making many wise decisions and moral judgements (1Kings 3:9-11). Christians today should ask for wisdom so we can discern what’s coming at us with evil and with error (James 1:5). Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers (2Corinthians 4:4), so God must shed light on the human mind to enable us to understand absolute truth. Wisdom comes from God, and we need to ask Him for it. How do we get wisdom? By knowing His Son JESUS CHRIST in a deeper way and studying God’s Word. The world’s way of obtaining wisdom is different from a follower of JESUS.
We must know the absolute truth so well that when FALSE appears, we can discern it and dismiss it, confront it, or expose it. We will have a greater level of recognition of good from evil when we live with spiritual discernment. It comes with time and training. We will know God’s character and His perfect will. We won’t operate with impulses and desperation causing us to make wrong decisions. We will be able to distinguish the voice of the world (wrong) from the voice of God (right). When we live with spiritual discernment it will allow us to “hate what is evil” and cling to “what is good” (Romans 12:9). It’s also about knowing the difference between a SNAKE (rooted in fakeness /sneaky) and a SAINT (truth centered/real). We want to live in the LIGHT not have any part of us associate with DARKNESS.
In conclusion, SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT comes not because of a high IQ or Education, but solely by Spiritual TRUTH from God above. The man or woman who thinks they can know the Word of God by mere intellectual study is greatly deceived. This is why sometimes you can DISCERN a person's spirit without needing to fully KNOW them. May you instantly discern the source of your thoughts and emotions, so you’ll know what to uproot and what to nurture. May you rightly divide truth from lie, life from death, and love from selfishness. I bless you with divine wisom and spiritual discernment in JESUS name. Amen!
