HANGUPS (Complejos) have become one of the main obstacles to many Leaders and brilliant minds in this world. Know this, as long as you are more concerned with your reputation than recovering from your prideful & insecure mindset...you will NEVER change! You will NEVER improve! You will NEVER rise higher! Many people have insecurities & hangups with Leaders...thinking that they live with a sense of entitlement when in reality they just have a different role/responsibility to play with that you haven't earned. Blowing out the other person's candle will NOT make yours shine brighter. The strangling hangup many carry develops into a rebellious spirit (witchcraft)...requiring deliverance later. Get FREE with God's Truth!
Unfortunately, not everyone is happy for you and not everyone can go with you to the NEXT SEASON of your life...even those you thought would be your RIDE or DIE Friends. They envy your anointing, success & blessings. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:4, "And I saw that all toil and all achievement spring from one person’s ENVY of another. This too is meaningless, chasing after the wind." Furthermore, envy will have you hating someone you should be learning from, but because of your hangup...you and your family miss out on God's BEST. In Proverbs 14:30 it says, "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." Learn to keep it moving and don't fret over those who envy what you carry. In the meantime, be authentic (REAL) and ensure that your circle is the same. Real recognizes real just as game recognizes game. It’s time to mature and dismiss the hangups of those that view you differently from who you really are.
In conclusion, don't become something because it's popular. Become something because it's REAL. Don't do it for the LIKES but do it because it's your life and do what you do as unto the Lord. It’s not about who’s real to your face, but who stays real behind your back. Just keep being YOU! Don’t suffocate your greatness to accommodate someone’s insecurity (complejo). As the saying goes, "No CROSS - No GLORY!" You want to make your life better? Choose to make better decisions and stick to them consistently despite the grind of life. Stop complaining, murmuring and making excuses; instead make adjustments. Crush your pride and stay teachable; receiving necessary correction which brings the flexibility that leads to CHANGE/IMPROVEMENT. Have an attitude of GRATITUDE and stop living with an entitlement mindset on things you didn't SWEAT or STRUGGLE for. Keep praying and choose to adjust; your prune face is not appealing. Ask God for help because living with free from hangups will add joy to your soul.
Watch This Sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuwG4Ly4y64