The JEZEBEL SPIRIT doesn't like to be exposed or talked about; it prefers to remain hidden with settled manipulation and control. This foul spirit is NEVER content and loves to criticize, gossip, and murmur. I preached about "Confronting Jezebel Spirit" awhile back in the Sermon below and would like to warn those whose life, mind, and soul are under its influence.
Those who find themselves unable to trust, obey, love, or submit to Church Leaders (Rebellion/Witchcraft) despite their differences or imperfections have already allowed this spirit to manifest. We will expose this spirit if it ever comes to linger in our RiseUp Outreach Church. You should not let anybody oppressed or possessed by this spirit to control or manipulate you. Furthermore, please don't let this spirit keep you bound in fear, confusion, and torment. I encourage you to "RiseUp & Fight" against it with Kingdom Authority Prayer, Humility, and Love so you can confront it confidently. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you and yield to His guidance. You are a Child of God and more than a conqueror!

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