Cada uno de ustedes debe dar lo que ha decidido en su corazĆ³n dar,
no de mala gana ni por obligaciĆ³n, porque Dios ama al dador ALEGRE.
ā 2 Corintios 9:7
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RiseUp Outreach
12601 SW 72 Street
Miami, FL 33183

The Gospel is free, but to advance it further requires resources. The Lord has blessed this ministry because of the power of prayer and the generous people it has come in contact with; people who obey God’s Word and who love one another. We believe where God guides He provides and He can use you to expand His Kingdom.
The vision we have and are focusing our efforts on is to operate a prevention and restoration outreach facility in our community while continuing with a spirit of excellence in our Church Services. We are thankful for your generosity and rejoice to hear the wonderful testimonies God is doing through this ministry. God Bless You and thank you for being a difference-maker!