Stop COMPLAINING, GRIPING, MURMURING, GRUMBLING or even WHINING. All that does is bring discontent from within. Complaining brings unbelief! In Romans 8:28 tells us, “That in ALL things God works for the good to those who love HIM, who have been called according to His purpose." If we truly believe that the LORD is in control of our life, we will STOP complaining and START thanking the LORD for the plan He is working together with for us. STOP LOOKING at your situation and believe God is a deliverer, a healer, a way maker, a burden barrier and a PROVIDER!
COMPLAINING opens the door to conflict, but THANKFULNESS slams it shut! If you're going to complain about something...please bring a solution or else shutup because it's called WHINING. Understand that the more you complain (moan & groan), the longer you are left in the furnace (potter's wheel). Therefore, you need to reach a point where we stop complaining and start becoming GRATEFUL! #RiseHigher #LiveGrateful #BeContent